Adding BSC Mainnet to MetaMask.

2 min readOct 12, 2021


Before you can add BSC Mainnet to MetaMask you must have install MetaMask. To do that click here

MetaMask Default Blockchain

Ethereum is the default blockchain connected in MetaMask. This you can see in fig 1.

This is what you should seen when you open MetaMask by default
Fig 1. This is what you should seen when you open MetaMask by default

Switching to BSC Mainnet

What you want is to see the tap in fig 1 display BSC Mainnet instead of Ethereum Mainnet. To achieve this, click on the tab saying Ethereum Mainnet above or Main Ethereum Network as in other cases.

Scroll down and look for Custom RPC as seen below in Fig 2.

Select Custom RPC
Fig 2. Select Custom RPC

Select Custom RPC and enter the information below accordingly.

Network Name: BSC Mainnet

New RPC URL: or

ChainID: 56, else 0x38 if 56 doesn’t work

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

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